The kingdom of God is one of the great themes of the Bible. From beginning to end it speaks of the glory of God and the greatness of his Kingdom. God has promised that the time will come when his glory will be present in every part of the earth. There will be no place in the world where his name is not honoured and glorified. He will be victorious through the entire earth. All things will be brought into submission to him as the kingdom of God is extended throughout the earth.
What Is the Kingdom?
What is it like?
Authority and the Kingdom
Who is in charge?
The Great Commission
Restoring authority
Church and Kingdom
Broader than church.
Transforming Society
From the Bottom Up
Spiritual Control
Kingdom Communities
Taking territory for Jesus
Ekklesia and Kingdom
God's way
Expanding the Kingdom
In many ways.
Spheres of Authority
Important for Christians
Kingdom Values
Opposite of the world
Boundaries of Authority
Know the difference
Strategy for the Kingdom
Jesus provided a plan
Tools for the Kingdom
Jesus has done his bit
Obstacles to the Kingdom
God will remove them
God's Timetable
God is working it out
Kingdom Come
25 Theses about the Kingdom
The Glorious Kingdom
A wonderful vision
Promise of the Kingdom
God will keep his word
A challenge for everyone
What Is the Kingdom?
What is it like?
Authority and the Kingdom
Who is in charge?
The Great Commission
Restoring authority
Church and Kingdom
Broader than church.
Transforming Society
From the Bottom Up
Spiritual Control
Kingdom Communities
Taking territory for Jesus
Ekklesia and Kingdom
God's way
Expanding the Kingdom
In many ways.
Spheres of Authority
Important for Christians
Kingdom Values
Opposite of the world
Boundaries of Authority
Know the difference
Strategy for the Kingdom
Jesus provided a plan
Tools for the Kingdom
Jesus has done his bit
Obstacles to the Kingdom
God will remove them
God's Timetable
God is working it out
Kingdom Come
25 Theses about the Kingdom
The Glorious Kingdom
A wonderful vision
Promise of the Kingdom
God will keep his word
A challenge for everyone
The kingdom of God is one of the great themes of the Bible. From beginning to end it speaks of the glory of God and the greatness of his Kingdom. God has promised that the time will come when his glory will be present in every part of the earth. There will be no place in the world where his name is not honoured and glorified. He will be victorious through the entire earth. All things will be brought into submission to him as the kingdom of God is extended throughout the earth.
What Is the Kingdom?
What is it like?
Authority and the Kingdom
Who is in charge?
The Great Commission
Restoring authority
Church and Kingdom
Broader than church.
Transforming Society
From the Bottom Up
Spiritual Control
Kingdom Communities
Taking territory for Jesus
Ekklesia and Kingdom
God's way
Expanding the Kingdom
In many ways.
Spheres of Authority
Important for Christians
Kingdom Values
Opposite of the world
Boundaries of Authority
Know the difference
Strategy for the Kingdom
Jesus provided a plan
Tools for the Kingdom
Jesus has done his bit
Obstacles to the Kingdom
God will remove them
God's Timetable
God is working it out
Kingdom Come
25 Theses about the Kingdom
The Glorious Kingdom
A wonderful vision
Promise of the Kingdom
God will keep his word
A challenge for everyone