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A Non-partisan Christian social media platform

Mobilising Christians of all denominations in Nigeria to fully participate in politics and governance as Lights and Salt empower by the Spirit of God for the disciplining of the Nation.

The Voice of Christian's in Governance

Supporting Christian Electorates and Party candidates.

Political Expert, Policy Experts, Party Leader, interaction with Christian Journalist,

  • Join thousands of others
  • Start your campaigns

Why Join Us?

The purpose of this initiative is to mobilize Christians from all denominations in Nigeria to fully engage in politics and governance as Lights and Salt empowered by the Spirit of God to disciple the nation.

Meet Your Christian Candidates

Get to know all the Christians that are running for elections nationwide. Read their profiles, policies, and party manifestos.

Join Political Action Committee

This is the community of believers living within the same ward coming together to form a grassroot political structure in each of the 9,809 wards across the nation. The goal is to synergize and strategise for effective Christian participation in Nigerian politics and governance.

Support Your Candidates

Through this platform, you can make an informed decision about which candidates to support as volunteers on their campaign. It also gives you information about candidates looking for crowdfunding.

Meet Other Christians in Politics

We offer our members the opportunity to interact with Christian elected officials either by appointment via phone calls, Zoom meetings, emails, SMS, etc.

Socialize with like-minded Christians

We provide a trusted donation channel for peoples of worldwide to support people and organizers.

Support Christian Candidates

We provide a trusted donation channel for peoples of worldwide to support people and organizers.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the goal of this social media platform?

This is a non-partisan Christian social media platform to mobilise Christians of all denominations in Nigeria to fully participate in politics and governance as Lights and Salt empowered by the Holy Spirit for the transformation of our country and for Nigerian Renaissance.

Who can register on this platform?

It is for all Christians who are 18 years and above.

What makes this app different from other similar Christian Social Media platform?

This platform, takes the Mandate of God and our desires for a righteous nation from rhetoric to practically giving us a platform to mobilise God's servants to occupy the political space in Nigeria, and build a righteous political structure(Lk. 19:13)*

Who are the Stakeholders behind this platform?

The vision bearer is Pastor Kingsley Shola Ayinde and Christian of all denominations are the stakeholders.

What are the benefits of registering on the app?

Your registration afford you the opportunity of getting involved in political activism and interacting with community of believers who share the same values and worldviews about good governance.

How many People can register on it?

The Webapp presently has capacity for millions of people and it can be upgraded to take more people when the need arise.

How secure is the platform?

The best servers are used, it's end to end encrypted software and all data are stored in the cloud.

Is it registered with CAC?

The Webapp is registered with Corporate Affairs Commission.

What are the likely problems/challenges?

Wrong doctrine from the pulpits that gave birth to wrong worldviews of politics as being a dirty game and demonic enclave.

What is the relevance of this app elections in Nigeria?

The app is an information gateway to the current political activities, a medium of expressing our opinions and guiding Christians to make informed decisions on their choices according to Christian values.

What will happen to the app after elections?

The app will be use by Christian to continue to interact, strategise and build consensus and structure for future elections