God gave me the privilege to preach this message in 2020 at my parish, kindly read it and meditate on it and it will bless your soul as it did mine:
Sunday service 27/07/2020

Theme: Manifestation of God's glory
Text; Roman's 8:19

The simple and distinct way you can display the glory of God is by your lifestyle, what you do on a daily basis. The Scriptures stated clearly that " whatever you do, do all to the glory of God " (1Corinthian 10:31). All of God's creation, including you and I are made or created primarily to display His glory Isaiah 43:7.

The Host of heaven sang praises and glorified God when Christ was born (Luke 2:14). Also, when one sinner repent from his/her sin, the angels rejoice and give glory to God (Luke 15:20). Even everything in the universe constantly declares the glory of God (Psalm 19:1-2).

However, as Christian most of us know this; we sing about the glory, teach it, preach it, but it's only few who internalize it and expresses it in our daily activities. We often pray to God, Father give me this or that and I will use it to glorify You, but alas like the nine lepers who got healing miracles and never returned to say thank you to Jesus, many today have forgotten their promises to give God glory. More importantly, God is interested in your lifestyle; that is your interaction with Him and your neighbors.

How Can We Manifest The Glory of God?

1. Sin- is our biggest barrier not the Devil. Therefore deal with the issue of sin in your life first; confess your sins and forsake them (Proverbs 28:13).

2. Forgive others: as the common saying goes, 'to err is human, but to forgive is divine ' meaning, forgiveness display the divine attributes (Matthew 6:12).

3. Make God your number One priority, that is God is preeminent in everything you do. God said to Abraham "... Walk (habitually) before me (with integrity, knowing that you are always in my presence), and be blameless and complete (in obedience to me) Genesis 17:1 AMP.

4. Be an embodiment of the Beatitudes; which I have termed, beautiful attitudes of children of God. Matthew 5:3-12; these nine attributes in our lives are the beauty of God's nature manifesting the goodness and glory of God. This is that Tree of life that produces the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).

5. Thanksgiving acknowledges that God is Sovereign, regardless of the situation and circumstances we are passing through and it reflects the glory of God even in the midst of pandemic and lockdown (Thessalonians 5:18) Thanksgiving is the will of God for us. Why?
Because all things are working together for good for us Romans 8:28.

6. Prayer is another means of giving glory to God according to these Scriptures Psalm 50:15; John 14:13.

Pray: Father please help me to manifest Your glory to this generation in Jesus Mighty Name!
God gave me the privilege to preach this message in 2020 at my parish, kindly read it and meditate on it and it will bless your soul as it did mine: Sunday service 27/07/2020 Theme: Manifestation of God's glory Text; Roman's 8:19 The simple and distinct way you can display the glory of God is by your lifestyle, what you do on a daily basis. The Scriptures stated clearly that " whatever you do, do all to the glory of God " (1Corinthian 10:31). All of God's creation, including you and I are made or created primarily to display His glory Isaiah 43:7. The Host of heaven sang praises and glorified God when Christ was born (Luke 2:14). Also, when one sinner repent from his/her sin, the angels rejoice and give glory to God (Luke 15:20). Even everything in the universe constantly declares the glory of God (Psalm 19:1-2). However, as Christian most of us know this; we sing about the glory, teach it, preach it, but it's only few who internalize it and expresses it in our daily activities. We often pray to God, Father give me this or that and I will use it to glorify You, but alas like the nine lepers who got healing miracles and never returned to say thank you to Jesus, many today have forgotten their promises to give God glory. More importantly, God is interested in your lifestyle; that is your interaction with Him and your neighbors. How Can We Manifest The Glory of God? 1. Sin- is our biggest barrier not the Devil. Therefore deal with the issue of sin in your life first; confess your sins and forsake them (Proverbs 28:13). 2. Forgive others: as the common saying goes, 'to err is human, but to forgive is divine ' meaning, forgiveness display the divine attributes (Matthew 6:12). 3. Make God your number One priority, that is God is preeminent in everything you do. God said to Abraham "... Walk (habitually) before me (with integrity, knowing that you are always in my presence), and be blameless and complete (in obedience to me) Genesis 17:1 AMP. 4. Be an embodiment of the Beatitudes; which I have termed, beautiful attitudes of children of God. Matthew 5:3-12; these nine attributes in our lives are the beauty of God's nature manifesting the goodness and glory of God. This is that Tree of life that produces the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). 5. Thanksgiving acknowledges that God is Sovereign, regardless of the situation and circumstances we are passing through and it reflects the glory of God even in the midst of pandemic and lockdown (Thessalonians 5:18) Thanksgiving is the will of God for us. Why? Because all things are working together for good for us Romans 8:28. 6. Prayer is another means of giving glory to God according to these Scriptures Psalm 50:15; John 14:13. Pray: Father please help me to manifest Your glory to this generation in Jesus Mighty Name!
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