The Duty Of The Church(Christians)To The Nation:

Go ye, says Jesus, to his ministers, and teach all nations to observe all things, whatsoever I have commanded you.[Matthew 28:19,20.]

Nations are not independent of God. Man into whatever relation he may enter is a subject of moral government. The thousands of individuals, who, when united together, compose a nation, have not improperly, by political and ethical writers, been denominated a moral person; consequently must be under his law, who is emphatically styled king of nations.[Jeremiah 10:7.]

Nations may be guilty. They may, they do transgress the laws of right. Should not then the voice of warning, from the Sanctuary, be directed to them? If sin may be prevented—if repentance may be produced—if the honor or dishonor of God be concerned in the affairs of nations—if the happiness and duty of man be connected with political movements, without doubt the stewards of Divine truth should dispense it faithfully. The watchmen on Zion’s walls should lift up their voice were like a trumpet. It is their duty to say to the king and to the queen humble yourselves, and consequently to state to them their sins.

In the pages of inspiration, the spirit of God has given directions, concerning the management of national affairs.[Romans 13:1,6; Deuteronomy 17, chapter; Psalm 2:10-12, and other places.] Are these salutary directions, of Israel’s holy one, too profane to be touched by the ministers of the Sanctuary? Are not the kings, and the judges of the earth, commanded to yield submission to the Son? If this be denied, shall the ministers of Jesus be silent?
The Duty Of The Church(Christians)To The Nation: Go ye, says Jesus, to his ministers, and teach all nations to observe all things, whatsoever I have commanded you.[Matthew 28:19,20.] Nations are not independent of God. Man into whatever relation he may enter is a subject of moral government. The thousands of individuals, who, when united together, compose a nation, have not improperly, by political and ethical writers, been denominated a moral person; consequently must be under his law, who is emphatically styled king of nations.[Jeremiah 10:7.] Nations may be guilty. They may, they do transgress the laws of right. Should not then the voice of warning, from the Sanctuary, be directed to them? If sin may be prevented—if repentance may be produced—if the honor or dishonor of God be concerned in the affairs of nations—if the happiness and duty of man be connected with political movements, without doubt the stewards of Divine truth should dispense it faithfully. The watchmen on Zion’s walls should lift up their voice were like a trumpet. It is their duty to say to the king and to the queen humble yourselves, and consequently to state to them their sins. In the pages of inspiration, the spirit of God has given directions, concerning the management of national affairs.[Romans 13:1,6; Deuteronomy 17, chapter; Psalm 2:10-12, and other places.] Are these salutary directions, of Israel’s holy one, too profane to be touched by the ministers of the Sanctuary? Are not the kings, and the judges of the earth, commanded to yield submission to the Son? If this be denied, shall the ministers of Jesus be silent?
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