An untrained leader is a dangerous leader!
Jesus went through training before He began His public ministry. It was an established Jewish tradition that every male child, most especially the first born, be trained in the laws,the prophets and the precepts before they are thirteen years old. He was also trained as a Carpenter as a vocation and business.

Moses acquired the education and civilisation of the Egyptians, but that academic qualification was not enough for him to succeed in the great commission of discipling the new nation of Israel. God therefore sent him into the wilderness for another forty years of training in the school of meekness, patience with the ability to hear God’s whisper that only few humans have heard. His eighty years of training only served to fulfill forty years of public ministry.

The ecumenical Church in Nigeria needs to develop a Public Theology as a discipline to train Christians who are called by God into the political sphere before they can be the light and salt on the mountain of government.
An untrained leader is a dangerous leader! Jesus went through training before He began His public ministry. It was an established Jewish tradition that every male child, most especially the first born, be trained in the laws,the prophets and the precepts before they are thirteen years old. He was also trained as a Carpenter as a vocation and business. Moses acquired the education and civilisation of the Egyptians, but that academic qualification was not enough for him to succeed in the great commission of discipling the new nation of Israel. God therefore sent him into the wilderness for another forty years of training in the school of meekness, patience with the ability to hear God’s whisper that only few humans have heard. His eighty years of training only served to fulfill forty years of public ministry. The ecumenical Church in Nigeria needs to develop a Public Theology as a discipline to train Christians who are called by God into the political sphere before they can be the light and salt on the mountain of government.
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