• "With malice toward none, and with charity for all,
    let us strive to finish the work we are in."

    - Abraham Lincoln
    "With malice toward none, and with charity for all, let us strive to finish the work we are in." - Abraham Lincoln
    0 Comments 0 Shares 508 Views
  • Good morning to all the servant-leaders on this Mountain, kindly read this nugget, meditate on it and apply it in your leadership role. Shalom
    Good morning to all the servant-leaders on this Mountain, kindly read this nugget, meditate on it and apply it in your leadership role. Shalom 😇
    0 Comments 0 Shares 495 Views
  • https://www.facebook.com/share/v/LmJK4jNtT7nq56Va/?mibextid=UalRPS
    0 Comments 0 Shares 478 Views
  • Vision And Mission Statement
    1. Good governance is sacrosanct and non-negotiable
    2. Service to God through service to the people
    3. Teaching the Kingdom ethics and values for National Redemption, and a wholly all inclusive egalitarian society
    4. Interceding to bring down the Glory of God on the Seven Mountains in Nigeria.
    5. To accomplish no1 to 3 above, we will train and equip christians as servant leaders in Public Service.
    6. To accomplish no4 above, we will mobilize the Saints locally, nationally and internationally as the end-time Army of the Lord: To pray and be involved in the political process
    7. To teach, equip and commission Christians to positively engage the Seven Mountains of the society as lights and salt.
    8. To accomplish all these, our lifestyle and polity will reflect the Kingdom principles and Christian values.
    9. We will pursue these goals until the prototype of the Kingdom of God is practically established in every area of our influence in Nigeria.
    Vision And Mission Statement 1. Good governance is sacrosanct and non-negotiable 2. Service to God through service to the people 3. Teaching the Kingdom ethics and values for National Redemption, and a wholly all inclusive egalitarian society 4. Interceding to bring down the Glory of God on the Seven Mountains in Nigeria. 5. To accomplish no1 to 3 above, we will train and equip christians as servant leaders in Public Service. 6. To accomplish no4 above, we will mobilize the Saints locally, nationally and internationally as the end-time Army of the Lord: To pray and be involved in the political process 7. To teach, equip and commission Christians to positively engage the Seven Mountains of the society as lights and salt. 8. To accomplish all these, our lifestyle and polity will reflect the Kingdom principles and Christian values. 9. We will pursue these goals until the prototype of the Kingdom of God is practically established in every area of our influence in Nigeria.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 448 Views
  • Today's young people have lower levels of trust in formal politics and are less likely to see political parties as viable avenues for affecting change. At the same time, globalization and increasing availability of technology has provided new ways for young people to connect both locally, nationally and globally. As a result, many young people are turning to social movements and other less formal means of civic and political participation, such opportunity is offered on this platform.
    Occupy.ng app provides Christians youths with civic education and programs to effectively support youth participation in political process that could lead to appointment or elective positions in government.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 436 Views
  • File Type: docx
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  • UPDATE!!!

    Ogun State Local Government Elections hold on Saturday 16th November 2024, movement of people and vehicles will be restricted between 8a.m to 5 p.m..

    Kindly plan your movement, communicate to family, friends and loved ones....

    Be notified and stay safe...
    UPDATE!!! Ogun State Local Government Elections hold on Saturday 16th November 2024, movement of people and vehicles will be restricted between 8a.m to 5 p.m.. Kindly plan your movement, communicate to family, friends and loved ones.... Be notified and stay safe... #ogunupdate
    0 Comments 0 Shares 691 Views
  • 1 Comments 0 Shares 369 Views
  • 1 Comments 0 Shares 375 Views
  • 0 Comments 0 Shares 367 Views